In 2021, Metcalfe welcomed seven new employees to the office–well, in many cases welcomed them via videoconference. Here are our newest talented and creative colleagues, in their own candid words, in alphabetical order.

JEFF, one of Metcalfe’s most recent additions, was attracted to Metcalfe by the wide variety of projects and the firm’s focus on people. He had worked on affordable housing projects and developments in the Philadelphia area, which opened his eyes to the vital role architecture plays in the community. During one of his most memorable projects—a community center that became a bustling hub for residents of all ages—one of the older residents told him the area felt like a neighborhood again after more than a decade of disconnection and disunity.
"I came into architecture because it allowed me to learn how everyone else sees, uses, and experiences spaces."
When he is not working, you can find Jeff expanding his unique comic book collection or working on his South Philly row home.

KARLENE'S lifelong passion for architecture began in high school when she discovered in woodshop classes that she wanted to spend her life designing and building. This fall, when searching for a new position, she stumbled across the Metcalfe website and smiled to herself at the "whimsy, creativity, and community" of the featured projects.
"At this time in my life, I value kindness the most. I’ve learned that being kind shows respect, which in return, creates harmonious relationships."
Karlene’s outside interests range from going out dancing with friends to staying home, cuddling with her cat, and watching TV.

KRISTIN works hard behind the scenes to help Metcalfe operate at peak performance levels at all times. She credits her grandmother with nurturing her interest in graphic design. From her grandmother’s typewriter, she designed and wrote her own newspapers. Later, she explored project and account management, environmental design, and spatially oriented projects. A Metcalfe project, Out on a Limb at the Morris Arboretum, inspired her interest in the firm.
"It is one of my favorite spots in the city, so I was very intrigued by the team that designed it. I also had great conversations with everyone when I was interviewing–it’s a very creative and collaborative team here, and that really shows."
She confesses that there are more pets than people in the South Philadelphia home where she and her new husband live.

LYDIA is no stranger to Metcalfe. Back in 2019, she worked here as an intern before returning to college. Her determination (she’s a classic "finish what she starts" type) was a key factor in Metcalfe’s decision to ask her aboard. Lydia’s travels to places like South Korea and Jordan helped clarify the importance of human connection.
"Metcalfe puts a great deal of thought into how architecture impacts people at the individual and community scale. The future may seem bleak at times, but Metcalfe understands how to positively enact change."
Lydia, who is from Colorado, loves to explore Philadelphia, ride her bike along the Schuylkill River, or grab a cup of coffee and sit in the park sketching.

MADDIE has always been drawn (pun intended) to art and creative hobbies but didn’t know how to apply her interest until a career assessment revealed her aptitude for art direction. She fully immersed herself in graphic design, storytelling, and copywriting in college. After a supervisor pointed out that she "thinks with her heart," Maddie steered her job search accordingly. She is pleased that Metcalfe puts people at the center of design.
“I highly value the sense of community [at Metcalfe]; feeling like a part of something, big or small, keeps me moving forward.”
Outside of work, Maddie likes to play with her cat, Suki, take walks and play Pokémon Go.

RYAN has always enjoyed making things: from building with Legos to drawing, folding origami, and making music. As an architecture student at the University of Florida, he discovered his passion for creating physical models and playfully using drawing to explore space and design. Metcalfe’s culture of design exploration and our kaleidoscopic array of project types drew him to the firm.
"I value acquiring new experiences to grow. Regardless of the outcome, taking risks and trying things that push my boundaries allows me to learn something different and live life with minimal regrets."
Ryan hails from Florida and likes to spend his time outdoors exploring nature parks, playing his guitar, and finding a good book to read at the library.

WIL developed his passion for bringing drawings to life as a child. When he got his hands on the blueprints for Star Trek’s Starship Enterprise, it really took off. Viewing the detailed plans—from the Command Bridge to the main engineering hub—made him feel like a part of the fantasy world.
Many years later, he retains that sense of wonder about the process of designing spaces, from the big picture to the details.
"I was attracted to Metcalfe by the level of care and consideration that goes into their projects; they bring human experience to even the most mundane spaces."
When he isn’t at the office or studying (he is an architecture grad student at Temple University), you can find Wil taking long walks with his dogs, cooking, reading, or binge-watching science fiction movies (of course) and British crime dramas.