How would you describe your role at Metcalfe?
I make sure clients know who we are. Marketing is less about selling and more about educating. I help communicate to potential clients understand how Metcalfe will work attentively with them to bring to life the spaces and experiences they imagine.
Tell us how your perspective on your work has changed since working from home.
Remembering that contact doesn’t have to be in person. We can still communicate effectively to current and potential clients in a multitude of ways with the technology we have at our disposal.
What’s some advice you’d give to other architects/design professionals working from home?
Communicate, communicate, communicate! Do it more than you think is necessary, your clients and coworkers will appreciate it in the long run…because we’re in this for the long haul.
What’s the first thing you want to do once the quarantine is over?
Take a vacation somewhere sunny and warm where I feel obligated to spend all my time outdoors because it would be a shame to waste such a nice day.
Describe what brings you joy during this pandemic.
How hard people are working to stay connected with their loved ones despite the physical barriers. I make an extra effort to connect with my sisters, we love supporting local coffeehouses together.

To learn more about Jillian, click here.