How would you describe your role at Metcalfe?
I figure out how to make our designs come to life, from producing the construction documents to coordinating with clients, consultants, vendors and contractors.
What types of projects excite you?
I’m excited by projects that make a difference in the lives of the people who use them, especially projects that help people learn, grow and thrive.
What new challenges are you facing with the COVID-19 isolation?
You mean aside from home-schooling the kids while simultaneously trying to work, right?
Staying social has been a challenge. Design is a social exercise (especially the way we do it at Metcalfe), and we design social spaces. “Social distancing” has turned our work (both in terms of process and purpose) on its head. However, at Metcalfe we also excel at overcoming challenges through creativity. So, we’re staying creative and we’re overcoming!
Tell us how your perspective on your work has changed since working from home?
I’m thankful to have it… because a lot of people don’t right now.
What’s the first thing you want to do once the quarantine is over?
Watch a baseball game (on TV would be fine).
Describe what brings you joy during this pandemic.
- Inspirational rocks left on sidewalks around the neighborhood
- Homemade bread
- Designing and building a treehouse with my kids

To learn more about Rich, click here.