What types of projects excite you?
All kinds of exhibits – indoors and out, large and small, from material culture to horticulture, science to local history, you name it – there’s such a variety in the audience, content, scale, setting -- that’s part of what makes it exciting! The projects other staff are working on are exciting, too; it’s always great to see what everyone’s working on, and inspiring…
What new challenges are you facing with the COVID-19 isolation?
Keeping a steady supply of fresh-brewed coffee; I seem to need more of it, these days. But on a more serious note, a few friends and family have been impacted, so the challenge has been to keep my spirits up so I can be supportive to them… Also trying, as much as possible, to be supportive in a more general way – of philanthropies & small businesses in my immediate community and beyond… since everyone is facing challenges, these days.
Tell us how your perspective on your work has changed since working from home.
It hasn’t changed a whole lot, though this situation has reminded me to try to maintain a better work/life balance. There are pluses & minuses to working at home: it’s easy, without distractions, to really focus on meeting a deadline; on the other hand, collaborating with coworkers remotely requires more determination and creativity. Our office seems to be doing a great job of it, in spite of all the obstacles!
What’s some advice you’d give to other architects/design professionals working from home?
Keep to some kind of routine and take breaks throughout the day to stretch your legs. (Having a dog helps!) And staying connected is important!
What’s the first thing you want to do once the quarantine is over?
Go out with friends to have a beer, go to the movies, hear music, etc… And when it’s safe to do so, go visit family and friends who don’t live close by… I really miss everyone!
Describe what brings you joy during this pandemic.
Taking long weekend walks (masked & socially-distanced!) with nearby friends and my dog. Everything’s blooming, coming to life… Squirrels taunt my dog and tightrope-walk the power lines, swallows skim the water at Washington Avenue Pier, fresh graffiti tags grace the paths – it’s reassuring that life goes on, quarantine or no!
And… Street art. A bird’s nest on a light fixture at a shuttered movie theater. Violets pushing up through the cracked pavement. Neighbors and their kids drawing hopscotch & rainbows in chalk on the sidewalk. Sunny days.
Taking the time to do things I haven’t done in forever (practicing the piano!)… or ever (making donuts for the first time!).
And staying in touch with friends, when we can’t get together in person: virtual happy hours, friends sharing their latest artwork, meeting a friend’s new baby on Zoom!! It’s a poor substitute, but it beats not seeing each other at all… so, thank goodness for that! Those are some of the things that bring me joy…

To learn more about Katy, click here.