Metcalfe is pleased to announce that we were awarded the Bronze Award for Architectural Excellence at AIA’s Tri-State Conference, which took place on October 19 in Albany, NY. We were recognized for our work on Whiting Forest of Dow Gardens in Midland, MI.
Of the project, the judges remarked, "...Via diverse accessible routes, these bridges offer new vantage points to view the forest and the wildlife that inhabit it. With diverse and playful shelters, the architecture appeared to bring visitors closer to the natural world without being invisible."
Eight Pennsylvania firms were honored with awards for a total of 12 projects. To learn more about the Dow project, click here.
The project was also recently featured on Archello, a publication connecting architects, designers, and product manufacturers together. Click here to read the feature.

Addtionally, on November 1, Founder & Principal, Alan Metcalfe, traveled to Chicago to attend the Society of American Registered Architects (SARA) National Design Awards where we received the Design Award of Merit for our work on Whiting Forest. Of the awards that were announced, 47 were presented for “Honor” and 22 for “Merit” Awards as well as 11 Awards of “Excellence”- the society’s highest level of award conferred.

Event photography courtesy of Michael Courier.