We are proud to announce our participation in the AIA 2030 Commitment program and its goal of carbon-neutral buildings by the year 2030.

The AIA 2030 Commitment is an actionable climate strategy that provides us with a set of standards and goals for reaching net zero emissions in the built environment.
At Metcalfe, sustainability is always top of mind. Our projects focus on using sustainable materials, as well as energy-efficient systems for heating, cooling, electricity, and water use. Our team includes three LEED-AP staff members and one Passive House design professional who are always looking for ways to incorporate environmental purpose in our projects.

Metcalfe team members overlook the campus from Solebury School's Hope Hall, set to be one of Pennsylvania's first Passive House dormitories. Photograph by Kelsey Hoffman.
In our commitment letter to the AIA, we write:
Metcalfe is hereby signing on to the AIA 2030 Commitment program and its goal of carbon-neutral buildings by the year 2030.
The places where we learn, live, work, heal, and socialize represent the largest sources* of greenhouse gas emissions in America and around the world. The design and construction industry has made significant strides toward creating high performance buildings of all types and uses. As a result, the industry is positioned to have a profound impact by continuing to foster high building performance and reducing building-related greenhouse gas emissions.
We understand the need to exercise leadership in creating the built environment. We believe we must alter our practices and encourage our colleagues to join with us to change the course of the planet’s future. A multi-year effort will be required to alter current design and construction practices and realize significant reductions in the use of natural resources, nonrenewable energy sources and waste production, and promote regeneration of natural resources.
We therefore commit to take the following steps that are part of the AIA 2030 Commitment program:
- Create an account in the Design Data Exchange (DDx).
- Within six months of the commitment date, conduct company engagement related to the 2030 Commitment and create a Sustainability Action Plan.
- Endeavor to meet 2030 energy reduction targets across every project as a deliberate part of design.
- Within the first year and each year thereafter, report the progress of our portfolio toward meeting the 2030 goals by using the AIA 2030 DDx.
Review how progress and practices are tracking with our company’s Sustainability Action Plan. Update our Sustainability Action Plan once every few years, reflecting on the progress shown our reporting.
We also support the critical need for more consistent and more rigorous metrics related to actual building performance. We further commit our assistance to the AIA and others in the ongoing development of effective metrics and standards for reporting purposes. It is understood that reporting through the AIA 2030 Commitment program must respect the confidentiality of information about specific clients, projects, and proprietary tools.
We look forward to working with the AIA and our professional colleagues to achieve the goals of the 2030 Commitment.
*Building operations are responsible for about 30% of greenhouse gas emissions globally, as reported by the AIA 2030 Commitment. Data source: UN Environmental Global Status Report 2017. EIA International Energy Outlook 2017.